Have peace of mind knowing that we bring experience and skilled painters to you! Here are a few points to keep in mind:
We cover your furniture and all necessary areas prior to painting.
We respect all of our clients homes as if they were our own. We take pride in our professionalism and ability to keep your space neat.
Our team believes that skill is highly important. So we go above and beyond to deliver you a freshly painted home that will leave you very satisfied.
We not only use the best materials on the market, but we have the best house painters out there too!
Our commitment to quality means we use premium paints and materials to ensure long-lasting results.
Our team pays attention to every detail, ensuring a flawless finish on every project.
We receive numerous positive reviews and referrals from satisfied clients who appreciate our dedication to excellence.
At Alberta Colour we strive to make a positive impact on our environment.
We use a range of zero to almost zero VOC paints for all of our projects. It is a win, win situation for clients, our painters and the environment.
Do you have left over paints? Let us give you a hand with them! We can take any leftover paints that you do not want and take them directly to our shop. We then take those paints to a landfill where they are collected for recycling purposes.
All of our garbage, cardboard and plastics used from our projects, are carefully sorted and selected for disposal at our shop